A EUTCo Production
"Medea" is a Exeter University Theatre Company production. It was performed in the Barnfield Theatre in March 2020.
Adapted by Tom Paulin
Produced by arrangement with Nick Hern Books
Luke Howlett
Assistant Director
Eleanor Webster
Ryan Mulgrew
MEDEA - Gracie Stanley
JASON - Milly Parker
NURSE - Emma Holtslag
Nina Fidderman
Holly Iremonger
Joanna Goldsmith
CREON - Ludo Graham
AEGEUS/PRINCE - David Joutsikowski
TUTOR - Tom Purtill
Stage Manager
Paula Navarro Flores
Assistant Stage Managers
Jack Crundwell and Qingyang Wang
Kate Barton
Events + Fundraising Manager
Niamh Redden
Publicity Assistant
Anna Chatakondu
A married couple with children splits up. One walks away to protect her reputation. The other refuses to be scorned.
Dating all the way back to 431BC, Medea is a classic tale of motherhood and vengeance. This queer retelling unravels the myth as we know it, in a world not too far removed from our own, where the pressures of society cause every character to suffer.